Saturday 14 May 2011


For the past two weeks, New York indie-pop outfit 'The Drums' have been touring Australia as a part of the 'Groovin the Moo Festival'. Thankfully, I was fortunate enough to grab a quick interview with ex-live guitarist and now keys/synth player 'Jacob Graham' before they left our shores until next time.

Did you guys all grow up in New York? "No, Connor did, but i grew up in Ohio and Jonny is from upstate New York."

Brooklyn, New York (rumoured to be where you cats live), tends to be noted as the birthplace of a sub-culture called 'hipsters'. Would you say you are a part of this culture? "We did live in Brooklyn for a while, but we've since moved away. I would like to say that we're not a part of that culture, and I'd even go on to explain that we were doing things that were considered very unpopular in hipsterdom when we arrived. But I won't get into it because I'm sure it would cause many warranted eye rolls. It's hard to really look at one's own self, so I'll just say that we don't really pay attention to things like that."

Would you say that this sub-culture has had an effect on the sound of your music? "I don't think so."

When you guys first came down to OZ you were apart of the amazing ‘Splendour in the Grass’ festival. How was that experience and first glimpse of Australia? "It was wonderful. There is a certain sort of friendliness that we've experienced in Australia that is very specific to this part of the world. And that festival in particular went really well for us, I met some really great people there and had more fun than I typically allow myself. True fun."

In what ways has your trip Down Under this year been different to your trip last year? "Well, mostly it's been much longer and that alone allows for a little more of an impression. It has been really great though. The weather can have such an effect on one's mood and we've been experiencing, what we refer to as, "perfect weather". Also, we had a great band called Tiger Choir opening for us for a bunch of shows."

How proud did you guys feel when you were on the front cover of NME? "Probably more self-conscious than proud, but it was very nice of them to put us there."

Did this moment symbolise anything for you? "Perhaps. I think it may have been the first time we were on the cover of any magazine.  It may have put us in a slightly different mindset, realizing that we were reaching a lot more people than we used to."

Is ‘Best Friend’ really about a dead best friend? "Sort of. It's actually about me, because Jonny and I have been best friends since we were very young. Then about five years ago I think my soul died. Over the past couple of years I've been trying to get it back, and just recently it's been reinstated completely. I'm glad to be back."

If so, how hard was it for you to write lyrically? "It was actually quite easy. I think we wrote the whole thing in a day or two."

‘I Need Fun In My Life’ is one of my favourite songs off of the album and it discusses the message of the less you own the more freedom you have. Do you guys try to live by that message? "Yes, for the most part. I think we're all minimalists to an extent. When I was a teenager I had amassed a huge collection of vintage synthesizers and drum machines. I think I had about 25 at one point. Mind you; this was just before the big analog revival really hit hard so most of those pieces had a sensible price tag. But when I came of age and moved out of my parents house I became very aware of how difficult it was to keep and maintain such a collection. So it was scaled down to the essentials. That was when I really began to understand the advantages of minimalism. Now I try to apply this to every aspect of my life. I think you're able to enjoy things more when you have less to enjoy, because you can really focus on what you have."

You guys have undertaken a massive transformation, pushing Connor up to guitar and switching yourself with keys and synths. As well as this, you boys have also introduced a new drummer and guitarist for your live performances. What was the meaning behind this transformation and have you been happy with its progress thus far? "Yes, we've been very happy with this transformation. Though, the word 'transformation' seems a little grand. To an outsider a band is what it appears to be, but from the inside we are just a bunch of guys making music. For example, on our recordings; I've always played synthesizer and Connor has certainly played more guitar than me. So, perhaps it seems a little disorienting for those who have come to know us in a specific role, but I wonder if this is what we should have been doing all along."

I noticed you guys have been performing a bitchin’ new song entitled ‘Money’. Can we expect this to be on the new album? "Certainly."

What can we expect from the new album? "Another album that is essentially just a bunch of pop songs. Though, we did spend more time with the sounds this time around. Really fine tuning everything. And of course this doesn't mean that everything is super polished, and crisp. There are murky sounds too. I'm very pleased with how this album turned out. Where our first album seemed very cinematic I think this new one is a little more 'real life'. Perhaps more grown up?"

When are you hoping for the new album to be released? "This year. Maybe in the fall? Can't really say for sure, but that is our hope."

What were your first thoughts and feelings after original guitarist ‘Adam Kessler’ left the band? "That people come and go in and out of your life and it's really no different than any other time that's happened, only this time it's in the public eye."

What are some of your favourite artists/bands and who are your musical influences? "My favorite bands are The Wake, Blueboy, St. Christopher, The Durutti Column and The Field Mice. What I think has had a bigger influence on me lately has been the work of Delia Derbyshire, Vangelis, Wendy Carlos and Tomita."

And finally, where did the name ‘The Drums’ transpire from? "Just a desire to be simple and direct."

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